Maharishi, What is Transcendental Meditation (TM)?
The Origin of Thought - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi on Ideal Relationships
Exclusive - Maharishi on Transcendental Meditation - Larry King Live In an interview with Larry King, Maharishi talks about the Transcendental Meditation technique and its origins.
Transcendental Meditation - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Lake Louise, Canada, 1968
Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Lake Louise, Canada 1968. This historic talk brings understanding to the nature of inner life. Maharishi says that practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique is a way to help dissolve stresses and to quickly enjoy life to the maximum.
Transcendental Meditation: a natural technique (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)
Maharishi talks about the "least excited" state of consciousness, where the mind is completely settled and silent. "Any effort to accomplish that settled state will always keep the mind in an excited state." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Merv Griffin Show, spring 1975.
Are All Meditations the Same?
Neuroscientist Fred Travis, PhD, compares brain patterns of concentration and of Transcendental Meditation.
Lower High Blood Pressure with Transcendental Meditation The Transcendental Meditation® technique produces a statistically significant reduction in high blood pressure that is not found with other forms of relaxation, meditation, biofeedback or stress management.
Brain Plasticity and Transcendental Meditation with Dr. Fred Travis What happens to the brain when someone practices the Transcendental Meditation® technique? All experiences changes the brain and nothing changes the brain like transcending.
Celebrities: Benefits of Meditation
Transcendental Meditation on ABC's Catalyst Sydney, Australia
Hugh Jackman on TM
David Lynch on Creativity, Consciousness & Transcendental Meditation